Arduino input
Analog circuit connection
The pulse value is detected by an acoustic sensor, and when the pulse value is greater than 1000, the ball is generated in the Processing screen and falls.
First I tell the AI what I need to generate the code, but the first Processing end of the code causes the blob to automatically re-run after it has been generated once, and it can't be detected once and then generated again.
The final problem was that the detection value of 500 was too low and too sensitive, which was solved by turning it up to 1000.
Arduino Code:
     const int sensorPin = A0; //The sound sensor interface is set to A0.
     int pulseValue = 0; // Store the pulse values read from the storage device.
     void setup() {
       Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication.
     void loop() {
       pulseValue = analogRead(sensorPin); // Read the pulse values from the sound sensor.
       if (pulseValue > 1000) {
         Serial.println("CREATE_BALL"); // Send the instruction when the pulse value is greater than 1000.
         delay(5000); // Delay to avoid repeating instructions
Even the input port of the Arduino board's sound sensor is port A0, and the variable pulseValue is created to store the value of the pulses read.Assign the value of the detected pulse to the pulseValue variable, if the pulse value is greater than 1000, send a signal to Processing, and set a delay of 5000 milliseconds.
Arduino Code:
     import processing.serial.*;
     Serial myPort; // Declare serial object
     boolean ballExists = false; // A sign that controls the presence or absence of the ball
     float ballY; // Ball Y coordinate
     void setup() {
       size(600, 600); // Set window size
       ballY = 50; // Initially, the ball is at the top of the screen (visible range)
       String portName = Serial.list()[0];
       myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
     void draw() {
       background(255); // Set the background color to white
       if (ballExists) {
         ballY += 2; // Control the ball's falling speed
         // When the ball leaves the screen completely, we keep it at the top to wait for the next signal
         if (ballY > height + 25) {
           ballExists = false; // Reset the presence state of the ball
           ballY = 50; // The ball returns to the top of the screen
       // Draw the ball only if it is present
       if (ballExists) {
         fill(0); // Set the fill color to black
         ellipse(width / 2, ballY, 50, 50); // Draw ball
     void serialEvent(Serial p) {
       String msg = p.readStringUntil('\n');
       if (msg != null) {
         msg = msg.trim();
         if (msg.equals("CREATE_BALL")) {
           ballExists = true; // When the signal is received, change the state of the ball so that it begins to fall